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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Lebih dari 10.000 Kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia, Apa Saja Upaya yang Sudah Dilakukan? - - - Sejak pertama kali dikonfirmasi di Indonesia pada 2 Maret 2020, jumlah kasus positif Covid-19 di Indonesia mencapai lebih dari 10.000 kasus hingga Kamis (30/4/2020) sore.

Berdasarkan data Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Virus Corona, ada 10.118 kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia.

Dari jumlah itu, sebanyak 1.522 orang di antaranya telah dinyatakan sembuh, dan 792 orang meninggal dunia atau 7,8 persen dari kasus yang terkonfirmasi positif terinfeksi virus corona.

Sejauh ini, kasus infeksi di Indonesia menunjukkan tren kenaikan atau masih terjadi penambahan setiap harinya.

Berbagai upaya telah diambil sebagai upaya menekan penyebaran virus agar tak semakin meluas. Apa saja langkah yang sudah dilakukan selama hampir 2 bulan ini?

Baca juga: UPDATE: Kini Ada 10.118 Kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia, Bertambah 347

Kemacetan lalu lintas terjadi di Bundaran Waru atau tepatnya di perbatasan Surabaya dan Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, saat hari pertama Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar di Kota Pahlawan, Selasa (28/4/2020).Dok. Pemkot Surabaya Kemacetan lalu lintas terjadi di Bundaran Waru atau tepatnya di perbatasan Surabaya dan Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, saat hari pertama Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar di Kota Pahlawan, Selasa (28/4/2020).
Sejumlah daerah telah menerapkan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB).

Aturan ini membatasi sejumlah kegiatan yang memungkinkan terdapat perkumpulan banyak orang seperti menutup sekolah-sekolah, bioskop, hingga membatasi transportasi umum.

Terbaru, Pemerintah Kabupaten Purwakarta akan menerapkan PSBB di enam kecamatan, yaitu Kecamatan Purwakarta, Kecamatan Jatiluhur, Kecamatan Babakancikao, Kecamatan Campaka, Kecamatan Pasawahan, dan Kecamatan Bungursari.

Kebijakan tersebut diambil menyusul adanya rencana dari Provinsi Jawa Barat yang akan menerapkan PSBB secara total.

Sementara, PSBB di Kota Tangerang diperpanjang hingga 15 Mei 2020.

Perpanjangan ini berdasarkan Keputusan Wali Kota Nomor 443/Kep. 380-BPBD/2020 tentang perpanjangan pemberlakuan pelaksanaan PSBB di wilayah Kota Tangerang yang berlaku terhitung sejak 2 Mei 2020.

Baca juga: 21 Hari PSBB Jakarta, 126 Perusahaan Disegel karena Melanggar

Hingga hari ini, Jumat (1/5/2020), lebih dari 20 daerah telah menerapkan kebijakan PSBB, yaitu:

  • DKI Jakarta
  • Kabupaten Tangerang
  • Kota Tangerang
  • Kota Tangerang Selatan
  • Kabupaten Bogor
  • Kota Bogor
  • Kota Depok
  • Kabupaten Bekasi
  • Kota Bekasi
  • Pekanbaru
  • Tegal
  • Kabupaten Bandung
  • Kabupaten Bandung Barat
  • Kota Cimahi
  • Kabupaten Sumedang
  • Makassar
  • Sumatera Barat
  • Kota Tarakan
  • Kota Banjarmasih
  • Surabaya
  • Sidoarjo
  • Gresik

Kepala Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 Doni Monardo mengatakan, perkembangan penyebaran virus di wilayah Ibu Kota DKI Jakarta mengalami pelambatan dari waktu ke waktu.

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May 01, 2020 at 12:05PM

Lebih dari 10.000 Kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia, Apa Saja Upaya yang Sudah Dilakukan? - -
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Rayakan Lockdown Berakhir, Wanita Ini Malah Tewas Terjatuh dari Tebing - - Olesia Suspitsina, 31, dilaporkan tewas setelah jatuh dari tebing setinggi lebih dari 30 meter di Turki. Wanita itu terjatuh ketika sedang berfoto.

Kabarnya, Olesia berfoto di atas tebing untuk memperingati berakhirnya masa karantina penguncian wilayah atau lockdown virus corona.

Disadur dari New York Post, Jumat (1/5/2020), Olesia Suspitsina yang berasal dari Kazakhstan naik ke tebing Duden Park, Antalya, Turki.

Olesia dan temannya mengunjungi tempat itu setelah berminggu-minggu mematuhi imbauan tinggal di rumah saja.

Untuk menandai akhir dari karantina, Olesia melanggar penghalang keamanan sehingga temannya mendapatkan pose foto dengan posisi sempurna. Olesia berpose tepat di tepi tebing dengan air terjun yang megah menjadi latar belakangnya.

Namun foto itu menjadi akhir dari hidupnya, ketika Olesia terpeleset. Wanita itu jatuh dari tebing setinggi 35 meter dan membuat temannya ketakutan.

Si teman yang ketakutan lantas menelepon pihak berwenang dan pencarian dilakukan. Polisi kemudian menemukan jasad Olesia di air.

Mayatnya diidentifikasi terlebih dahulu, sebelum dibawa ke kamar mayat Institut Kedokteran Forensik Antalya.

Polisi telah menyatakan bahwa kematian Olesia karena kecelakaan, menurut kerabatnya.

Olesia bekerja sebagai pemandu wisata selama lima tahun di wilayah tersebut.

Sebelum kematiannya, Olesia sempat membuat postingan di Instagram dan menulis "Saya akan selalu mengagumi keindahan alam Turki. Ini adalah surga saya."

Olesia Suspitsina, wanita Kazakhstan tewas terjatuh dari tebing saat berfoto merayakan akhir lockdown (Facebook)
Olesia Suspitsina, wanita Kazakhstan tewas terjatuh dari tebing saat berfoto merayakan akhir lockdown (Facebook)

Menurut kerabatnya, Olesia adalah orang yang cerdas dan ceria yang punya cita-cita dan mewujudkannya.

Mendengar berita kematian itu, banyak teman Olesia yang berbondong-bondong memberikan ucapan duka cita ke akun media sosialnya.

"Ini adalah kerugian yang tidak dapat diperbaiki. Olesia selalu mencintai laut dan bermimpi tinggal di Turki. Dia mewujudkan mimpinya," tulis kata Olga Kravchuk.

"Dia [Olesia] selalu berkata bahwa dia senang tinggal di kota ini [Anatyla]," kata seorang warganet lain.

"Sayang sekali untuk gadis itu. Belasungkawa terdalam saya untuk keluarga dan orang-orang terkasih!" tulis warganet di akun Facebook Olesia.

Tubuh Olesia dijadwalkan akan dibawa kembali ke Kazakhstan pada hari Sabtu. Rencananya, ia akan dimakamkan di kota kelahirannya di Kostanay.

Jumlah infeksi virus corona di Turki mencapai 117.589 kasus. Namun saat ini telah mengalami penurunan, menurut Worldmeter.

Pemerintah Turki berharap dapat membuka kembali aktifitas perekonomian pada akhir bulan depan.

"Studi terbaru mengindikasikan bahwa pembukaan kembali aktifitas ekonomi akan dimulai pada akhir Mei, dan perkembangan saat ini mengkonfirmasi hal tersebut. Langkah-langkah akan diterapkan untuk mencegah gelombang kedua penyebaran virus," kata seorang pejabat senior Turki kepada Reuters.

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May 01, 2020 at 12:47PM

Rayakan Lockdown Berakhir, Wanita Ini Malah Tewas Terjatuh dari Tebing -
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Astronaut Jessica Meir's return to Earth has been far from ordinary -

When astronauts return to Earth, they're usually given a chance to sit and adjust to being back in Earth's gravity. Plummeting through the atmosphere can make for a rough ride, so after crew members are pulled from their capsule, they are taken to a staging area where they can relax as medical officers perform routine check-ups.

Jessica Meir's return wasn't like that.

Moments after Meir landed April 17 after more than 200 days in space, she was whisked aboard a helicopter for a three-hour flight to the city of Baikonur in southern Kazakhstan. From there, Meir and fellow NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan spent three more hours being driven to a nearby city for their flight back to Houston.

"We called it the planes, trains and automobiles version of trying to get back home," Meir said.

The drastic measures were taken because of the coronavirus pandemic, which Meir, Morgan and Russian cosmonaut Oleg Skripochka observed from the International Space Station until they returned home this month. Border closings and other travel restrictions caused by the pandemic forced NASA and Russia's space agency to alter the standard recovery process.

Meir returned to a world different from the one she left about seven months ago.

U.S. astronaut Jessica Meir at the Russian Space Training Center near Moscow on Aug. 30, 2019.Pavel Golovkin / AP

"I wasn't really ready to leave," Meir said. "I would have loved to stay up there longer, and especially coming home to a completely different planet like the one we've returned to. It's an interesting transition."

Once back in the U.S., Meir and Morgan entered a weeklong quarantine at NASA's Johnson Space Center. A short period of separation is standard, but because astronauts on long-duration spaceflights typically experience changes to their immune systems, NASA enforced a prolonged quarantine to protect the two astronauts from any Earth-bound pathogens.

"Something about that spaceflight environment does have a direct influence on our immune system, and that's why they wanted to be extra conservative with what we were exposed to first upon coming back," Meir said, adding that returning astronauts are physiologically similar to people with compromised immune systems.

Still, she said, being back home has made the pandemic more real for her. Although she had access to the news aboard the space station and was in regular contact with loved ones, the crew's day-to-day operations continued mostly uninterrupted.

"It really was this stark contrast, because, of course, the Earth didn't look any different to us," she said. "It looked just as gorgeous, equally as stunning, as it had before everything happened. And to then think about what was going down on the surface and that every person, all 7½ billion people on the planet, were being affected by this and only three of us who were in space at the time weren't. That was really difficult to comprehend, as well, that we were the only three individuals that it wasn't affecting our lives in some way."

Ground personnel carry International Space Station crew member Jessica Meir of NASA after the landing of the Soyuz MS-15 space capsule in a remote area outside Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan, on April 17, 2020.Andrey Shelepin Russian space agency Roscosmos / via Reuters

But Meir said that looking back at the planet from the station's orbital perch did offer a unique perspective on the unfolding situation, and she cited examples of astronauts who were in space during other major events in history, including the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

"There was actually a cosmonaut on a space station during the collapse of the Soviet Union, so he launched as a Soviet citizen and then came back and was wearing a flag that really no longer existed," Meir said. "But this, I think, was even more extreme, just because it literally was affecting every human, every country."

Meir emerged from NASA's quarantine last week, but she now finds herself in another form of social isolation — one that people around the world have been coping with for weeks and, in some cases, months.

As a self-described "hugger," Meir was looking forward to reconnecting with family and friends, but those plans are on hold. And although her training has taught her how to cope with isolation — living and working 250 miles above the planet in an orbiting laboratory roughly the length of a soccer field — the experience of social distancing is markedly different on the ground.

"Here, it's just so different, because you're not used to being isolated on Earth," she said. "That's not the way our society is built. So, to me, this is a lot more difficult to deal with, particularly after being gone for so long."

NASA astronauts Jessica Meir, left, and Christina Koch inside the Quest airlock on the International Space Station preparing the U.S. spacesuits and tools they would use on their first spacewalk together, which took place Oct. 18, 2019.NASA

Yet despite the curveball of returning to Earth during a global health crisis, Meir described her mission as a dream come true. During her 205 days in space, Meir made history in October by taking part in NASA's first all-female spacewalk with fellow astronaut Christina Koch.

At the time, Meir was focused mostly on executing all the complicated steps of the spacewalk, but she said the subsequent outpouring of public support helped her and Koch understand the significance of the milestone.

"It would have been an amazing spacewalk no matter who I went out the door with," she said. "But it really wasn't lost on us how important it was as an event, how noteworthy it was as an event for people — actually much more so than I would have ever anticipated. I was really quite overwhelmed to see that response, and that was very humbling and really meant a lot to us."

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May 01, 2020 at 03:00AM

Astronaut Jessica Meir's return to Earth has been far from ordinary -
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Coronavirus pandemic: Updates from around the world - CNN International

For most of this year, China has been living seven weeks in the future.

The world's second largest economy was the first to be hit by the coronavirus outbreak -- and also one of the first to gradually reopen. And as the rest of the world prepares to do the same, companies that were forced to first respond to the outbreak in China are using their early experiences to form a blueprint for other regions.

Here's a look at how the future of business has changed -- and how China is giving us a preview.

The way we work: Companies are starting to think about how to implement social distancing and safer behaviors in the workplace.

For instance, desks can be further spaced out, and sensors could replace the shared surfaces we used to touch; instead of swiping your entry pass to get indoors, for example, you might face a facial recognition camera or pull up a QR code on your phone.

And after months of working from home, the way we communicate at work has also changed, with a boom in demand for enterprise software.

A pedestrian walking by a Nike store in Shanghai in March.
A pedestrian walking by a Nike store in Shanghai in March. Credit: Yves Dean/Getty Images

The way we shop: As millions of people hunker down at home, they're being forced to create new routines and lifestyles -- and change their shopping habits.

Nike pivoted quickly and effectively by accelerating its online business in China. Digital sales in Greater China rose more than 30% last quarter, while weekly active users for its activity apps shot up 80%, CEO John Donahoe told investors.

The way we manage our supply chains: The pandemic saw shortages of materials and critical supplies, and a crisis of worker absenteeism.

That's forcing businesses to rethink how they ship or send out their goods, and may force a reinvention of the global supply chain. The pandemic was "a wake-up call" for many companies, said Alain Benichou, CEO of IBM China.

Read the full story:

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May 01, 2020 at 12:15PM

Coronavirus pandemic: Updates from around the world - CNN International
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Jadwal Belajar dari Rumah TVRI Hari Buruh Jumat 1 Mei 2020: Ada Si Kancil - - Memasuki hari kedelapanbelas sejak diluncurkannya program Belajar dari Rumah yang ditayangakan TVRI Nasional setiap hari, para siswa masih belajar di rumah, karena kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah ditiadakan untuk sementara.

Hal tersebut dilakukan karena kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) untuk menekan risiko penularan virus Corona Covid-19, sehingga semua siswa praktis hanya belajar di rumah aja.

Program Belajar dari Rumah yang ditayangkan setiap hari di Stasiun TVRI Nasional merupakan upaya Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud) dalam membantu terselenggaranya pendidikan bagi semua kalangan kini dihadirkan melalui Program Belajar dari Rumah.

Kebijakan siaran belajar dari rumah yang ditayangkan di stasiun TVRI Nasional telah diterapkan sejak Senin, 13 April 2020.

Program belajar dimulai pada pagi hari dengan materi yang dikhususkan untuk tingkatan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD). Kemudian akan dilanjutkan untuk materi pembelajaran tingkat SD hingga SMA, pada siang hari.

Nah, untuk hari ini, Jumat, 1 Mei 2020 bertepatan dengan peringatan Hari Buruh, Program Belajar dari Rumah menayangkan program hiburan edukatif seperti dongeng, film anak dan remaja, musik dan parenting. Sementara tayangan materi pelajaran ditiadakan, karena hari ini libur nasional.

Berikut jadwal Belajar dari Rumah yang tayang di TVRI Nasional hari ini, Jumat 1 Mei 2020 bertepatan di Hari Buruh:

  1. 08.00-09.00: Jalan Sesama: Seru!
  2. 08.30-09.00: Dongeng Anak: Pani si Kelelawar dan Cerita si Kancil (SD Kelas 1-3 dan sederajat)
  3. 09.00-09.30: Film Animasi Anak: Sahabat Pemberani (SD Kelas 4-6 dan sederajat)
  4. 09.30-10.00: Film Remaja: Imbas dan Lagu: Hari Bahagia (SMP dan sederajat
  5. 10.00-10.30: Konser Musik: Endah N Rhesa dan Jakarta City Philharmonic (SMA/SMK dan sederajat)
  6. 10.30-11.00: Keluarga Indonesia: Membina Hubungan Baik dengan Anak (Orangtua/Guru)

Jadwal ini dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu sesuai kebijakan penyiaran TVRI dan Kemendikbud. Perubahan jadwal akan diinformasikan lebih lanjut.

Bila ingin menonton program Belajar dari Rumah yang ditayangkan TVRI Nasional hari ini, Jumat, 1 Mei 2020, kalian bisa mengklik link live streamingnya di sini atau klik di sini.

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May 01, 2020 at 07:36AM

Jadwal Belajar dari Rumah TVRI Hari Buruh Jumat 1 Mei 2020: Ada Si Kancil -
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Review: 'Parks And Recreation' Offers Our Spirits A Shot In The Arm - NPR

Nick Offerman and Amy Poehler would never breathe on each other like this (an earlier moment in the series) in the new Parks and Recreation special, but at least they can talk on video. Ben Cohen/NBC hide caption

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Ben Cohen/NBC

It's been five years since Parks and Recreation ended its run, after a final season that jumped forward into the future — specifically, to 2017. We haven't got the nifty transparent touchscreens their 2017 showed. Instead, we have a pandemic, and we have social distancing, and we are doing without many of our comforts, large and small. But for a half-hour on Thursday night, we did not have to be without our friends from Pawnee.

The special, conceived, written and filmed during the weeks of isolation that have idled much of Hollywood, began — after an intro from Paul Rudd's lovable rich dummy Bobby Newport, who's living an oblivious life in Switzerland — with Leslie (Amy Poehler) and Ben (Adam Scott) checking in via video chat. He was at home with their kids; she was somewhere else. He's in Congress; she works for the Department of the Interior. There are nods to the things he's done to amuse himself during lonely moments in the past, from his Claymation experiment to his complicated board game, Cones of Dunshire. She's worried about him.

But Leslie, being Leslie, is running a phone tree with all her former colleagues, because she checks in on everybody to make sure they're all right. She calls up Ron (Nick Offerman), who's out in his workshop in the woods — and he's still doing battle with his second ex-wife, played by Offerman's wife Megan Mullally. What makes that particularly funny is that Ron is with Tammy 2, but the show is otherwise stuck with the limitations of actors who can't be in scenes together, even though the story would have them living together. This is sometimes solved with humor, as when April (Aubrey Plaza) is not with Andy (Chris Pratt) because he's locked himself in the shed (classic Andy). It's sometimes solved with simple logic, as with Ben and Leslie's busy jobs, or when Ann (Rashida Jones) is quarantining separately from Chris (Rob Lowe) and their kids because she's still working as a nurse. It is a pure quirk of casting and the intersection with reality, but it's also very funny, that out of all these people, only Ron and Tammy 2 can be together.

The episode, written by show creator Michael Schur and a virtual room of the show's former writers, finds some very clever ways to incorporate the oddities of video calling. Tom (Aziz Ansari) and Donna (Retta) are using the same tropical background on their call together, because they are always looking for ways to live well. To treat themselves, as it were. And Garry (or Jerry, or Terry, or whatever they're calling him right now) (Jim O'Hehir) is unable to figure out how to turn off the camera filters that make him look like a dog or a baby.

But one of the reasons I tried — oh, I really tried — to keep my expectations low with this special is that Parks has always been, for me, a show about togetherness. At weddings, at funerals, at parties and weird public events, it's typically been at the height of its powers when a group connects. And I've seen enough Zoom calls to know that groups of faces on a screen have their charms, but they can't really get to the emotional place that a group hug wants to go.

I was wrong to doubt.

Because of course they found the perfect final moment; of course. It wasn't just the "Bye Bye Li'l Sebastian" singalong (although it was that, obviously). It was that we got a little slice of what became my favorite story of love in all of Pawnee when Ron reminded Leslie to stop taking care of everybody else and let people take care of her. This group of writers found a true character beat, one that made sense for the moment and is absolutely what the Ron we know would need to tell the Leslie we know, that they could write into this special. Mostly, yes, it's just a visit — with the whole gang, with Joan Calamezzo and Perd Hapley and Dennis Feinstein and Jean-Ralphio. And that was such a spirit-lifter that it would have been really fine.

But then there was that little bauble of a reminder that even though they've been separated for years, even before social distancing, these people still love each other, and they still know each other. It's so funny now to look back at the great feature Vulture did in early April in which writers speculated about what their COVID-19 episodes would look like. Schur said a lot of things that didn't come true in the special, quite. But he also said this: "Ron would be thrilled because now there's a reason for him to be alone with no one bothering him. But he would worry about Leslie." And that little bit of emotional realness in an entry that's largely jokes, is the part that survived.

That, and the lighters, and the singing ... well, I cried, of course. But it was the nice kind of crying. Maybe I even needed it. And hey, sometimes that's all you can ask for from a visit with old friends.

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May 01, 2020 at 08:07AM

Review: 'Parks And Recreation' Offers Our Spirits A Shot In The Arm - NPR
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Trump says he's seen evidence suggesting coronavirus emerged from Wuhan lab, compares WHO to PR agency - Fox News

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President Trump said Thursday he has seen evidence suggesting that the coronavirus originated from a laboratory in China, while continuing his criticism of the World Health Organization's ties to Beijing, comparing the group to a public relations agency.

Trump was speaking to reporters about protecting America's senior citizens when Fox News and others asked if he knew of anything that gave him confidence that the outbreak originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

"Yes, I have," he said, without further explanation. "And, I think that the World Health Organization should be ashamed of themselves because they’re like the public relations agency for China."

He earlier speculated about whether China knew about the virus sooner than it has led on and withheld information about the outbreak.

"So far I think China is trying to be... somewhat transparent with us, but we're going to find out," Trump said. "It's a terrible thing that happened. Whether they made a mistake or whether it started off as a mistake and then they made another one or did somebody do something on purpose."


Intelligence officials confirmed Thursday that an investigation has been ongoing into whether the pandemic was the result of an accident at the Wuhan lab, a contradiction from the broad consensus that it originated at a wet market in the city.

"The entire Intelligence Community has been consistently providing critical support to U.S. policymakers and those responding to the COVID-19 virus, which originated in China. The Intelligence Community also concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not man-made or genetically modified," a statement from the office of acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell said in a statement.

"As we do in all crises, the Community’s experts respond by surging resources and producing critical intelligence on issues vital to U.S. national security. The IC will continue to rigorously examine emerging information and intelligence to determine whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan," he added.

U.S. officials have ruled out the possibility the virus was created by China to be used as a bioweapon. Some said the pathogen may have escaped from the lab amid China's efforts to identify and combat the virus either with the same or greater capabilities than the United States.

In a show of defiance, China has rebuffed U.S. requests that it allow inspectors access to the lab.

On Thursday, Trump said the "world is suffering greatly" while speaking of China's response.


"This is something that could have been contained at the original location and I think it could have been contained relatively easily," Trump said. "They were either unable to or they chose not to."

After initially praising China's response, he shifted to blaming Beijing, a tactic to divert scrutiny over his own administration's handling of the crisis, according to some Democrats. The U.S. response has been plagued with a shortage of test kits and sometimes contradictory statements between Trump and members of his coronavirus task force.

“Trump is desperate to distract voters from his record of rolling over for China," the Democratic National Committee told Fox News in a statement.  "He refused to call out China on its coronavirus response and Americans are suffering the consequences.”

In regards to Beijing, the Chinese Communist Party has had a history of covering up outbreaks and anything shining a negative light on China. However, health experts previously expressed skepticism that the virus was linked to the Wuhan lab.

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May 01, 2020 at 04:45AM

Trump says he's seen evidence suggesting coronavirus emerged from Wuhan lab, compares WHO to PR agency - Fox News
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Hardiknas 2020 Angkat Tema "Belajar dari Covid-19", Ini Link Kegiatannya - - - Kemendikbud melalui rilis resmi (30/4/2020) mengumumkan tema Hardiknas 2020 atau Hari Pendidikan Nasional besok, 2 Mei 2020 yakni "Belajar dari Covid-19". 

Selain memublikasikan logo resmi Hardiknas 2020, Kemendikbud juga mengeluarkan Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Hari Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2020.

Dalam pedoman tersebut Kemendikbud mengimbau setiap satuan pendidikan pada semua jenjang pendidikan, kantor instansi pusat dan daerah, serta perwakilan Republik Indonesia di luar negeri tidak mengadakan aktivitas peringatan Hardiknas 2020 yang mengakibatkan berkumpulnya orang banyak pada suatu lokasi.

Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Hardiknas Tahun 2020 disampaikan melalui surat Nomor 42518/MPK.A/TU/2020, ter tanggal 29 April 2020 dan ditandatangani oleh Mendikbud Nadiem Anwar Makarim.

Dalam pedoman tersebut, Kemendikbud juga meniadakan penyelenggaraan upacara bendera yang biasanya dilakukan satuan pendidikan, kantor Kementerian/Lembaga/Pemerintah Daerah, serta perwakilan pemerintah Republik Indonesia di luar negeri sebagai bentuk pencegahan penyebaran Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).

Baca juga: Kemendikbud: Peringatan Hardiknas 2020 Tanpa Upacara Bendera Umum

Upacara bendera virtual

Masyarakat atau insan pendidikan tetap dapat memperingati dan memeriahkan Hardiknas Tahun 2020 dengan melakukan beragam aktivitas/kegiatan kreatif yang menjaga dan membangkitkan semangat belajar di masa darurat Covid-19 dan mendorong pelibatan dan partisipasi publik, serta mematuhi protokol kesehatan pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19.

"Kita tetap perhatikan anjuran Bapak Presiden untuk melakukan pembatasan sosial dan jaga jarak untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran Covid-19," ujar Ainun.

Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Hari Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2020 disusun dengan memperhatikan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Penetapan Kedaruratan Kesehatan Masyarakat Coronavirus Disease 2019 dan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 12 Tahun 2020 tentang Penetapan Bencana Non-Alam Penyebaran Coronavirus Disease 2019 sebagai Bencana Nasional.

Sekretaris Jenderal Kemendikbud, Ainun Na'im mengatakan, Kemendikbud tetap menyelenggarakan Upacara Bendera Peringatan Hardiknas Tahun 2020 pada tanggal 2 Mei 2020 pukul 08.00 WIB.

Upacara bendera dilakukan secara terpusat, terbatas, dan memerhatikan protokol kesehatan pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19 yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah.

"Hal ini kita lakukan tanpa mengurangi makna, semangat, dan kekhidmatan acara," ujar Ainun Na'im di Jakarta, Rabu (29/04).

Acara peringatan Hardiknas 2020

Sekjen Kemendikbud juga mengimbau instansi pusat, daerah, satuan pendidikan, serta kantor perwakilan RI di luar negeri untuk mengikuti jalannya upacara bendera secara virtual melalui siaran langsung di kanal Youtube KEMENDIKBUD RI, dari rumah atau tempat tinggal masing-masing.

"Kami juga mengajak insan pendidikan untuk dapat menyaksikan program peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2020 yang diberi judul sesuai tema, yakni 'Belajar dari Covid-19', di TVRI pada hari Sabtu, 2 Mei 2020 pukul 19.00 WIB," ujar Ainun Na'im.

Baca juga: 9 PTN Masuk Peringkat Berdampak SDGs, Ini Tanggapan Kemendikbud dan Rektor

Selain Mendikbud Nadiem Makarim, acara peringatan Hardiknas juga menampilkan sejumlah publik figur dan hiburan di antaranya; Najwa Shihab, Tulus, Sabyan, Rizky Febrian, Vidi Aldiano, Rini Wulandari, Naura, Lyondra, Gitabumi Voices, Bina Vokalia Pranadjaja, Temmy Rahardi dan Aubry Beer.

Selain melalui TVRI, acara peringatan Hardiknas 2020 yang digelar Kemendikbud ini juga dapat disaksikan melalui live streaming Youtube Kemendikbud RI.

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May 01, 2020 at 08:56AM

Hardiknas 2020 Angkat Tema "Belajar dari Covid-19", Ini Link Kegiatannya - -
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Trump Punya Bukti Covid-19 Berasal dari Lab Wuhan - -

WASHINGTON DC, - Presiden Amerika Serikat ( AS) Donald Trump mengklaim ia memiliki bukti virus corona Covid-19 berasal dari laboratorium Wuhan.

Saat berbicara di konferensi pers Gedung Putih Trump berkata, dia merasa yakin virus itu berasal dari Institut Virologi Wuhan, seraya menambahkan otoritas AS "merasakannya dengan sangat, sangat kuat."

"Kita akan melihat dari mana itu - kita akan melihat dari mana asalnya," ucap Trump. "Ada banyak teori."

" China bisa saja memberi tahu kami," lanjut presiden ke-45 AS tersebut, dikutip dari Sky News Jumat (1/5/2020).

Baca juga: Trump Tuding China Ingin Dia Kalah Pilpres AS

Trump kemudian ditanya seorang wartawan, apakah dirinya telah melihat sesuatu atau apa pun sehingga merasa sangat yakin virus corona berasal dari Institut Virologi Wuhan?

Sang presiden hanya menjawab singkat, "Ya, betul."

Beberapa menit kemudian Trump ditanya lagi, apa yang membuatnya sangat yakin tentang asal Covid-19.

Taipan real estat itu menjawab, "Saya tidak bisa memberi tahu Anda. Saya tidak diizinkan memberi tahu Anda itu."

Baca juga: Covid-19 Diduga Muncul dari Institut Virologi Wuhan, Direktur Lab: Mustahil

Institut Virologi Wuhan telah menolak tuduhan itu dan pejabat AS lainnya memandang sebelah mata tanggapan tersebut.

Juru Bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri China Geng Shuang berujar, "Saya tegaskan lagi bahwa asal virus adalah masalah ilmiah yang kompleks, dan itu harus dipelajari oleh para ilmuwan dan profesional."

Ia juga mengatakan, AS sebaiknya memanfaatkan waktu mereka untuk "mengendalikan pandemi di negaranya sendiri."

Baca juga: China Tak Tertarik Jegal Trump di Pilpres AS

Virus corona Covid-19 dipercaya secara luas berasal dari pasar seafood Wuhan, yang menular dari hewan ke manusia.

Bulan lalu Sky News memberitakan Inggris adalah salah satu negara yang menyelidiki asal-usul pandemi virus corona, termasuk kemungkinan dapat dikaitkan dengan lab China yang melakukan penelitian penyakit pada kelelawar.

Seorang pejabat AS dikutip oleh NBC News mengatakan itu "kemungkinan, meski bukan kemungkinan besar."

Ada perkiraan juga virus corona jenis baru ini muncul secara alami dan bukan rekayasa manusia.

Baca juga: Kronologi Perselisihan Australia-China soal Penyelidikan Asal-usul Covid-19

Trump menolak mengatakan, apakah dia menganggap Presiden China Xi Jinping bertanggung jawab atas apa yang disebutnya sebagai "salah informasi".

Namun Trump telah mengkritik China karena gagal membendung penyebaran virus, dengan mengatakan "Ini adalah sesuatu yang bisa saja ditahan di lokasi asal dan itu bisa diatasi dengan relatif mudah."

Politisi dari Partai Republik itu menambahkan, "Satu dari dua hal yang terjadi. Apakah mereka tidak bisa melakukannya dari sudut pandang kompetensi, atau membiarkannya menyebar."

"Saya akan mengatakan mungkin itu di luar kendali," lanjut Trump.

Baca juga: Banyak Kasus Keracunan karena Disinfektan di AS, Trump: Bukan Tanggung Jawab Saya

Ketegangan antara Beijing dan Washington meningkat dalam beberapa pekan terakhir, dengan China menuding militer AS mungkin yang membawa virus corona ke China.

Pada Rabu (29/4/2020), Trump mengatakan ia sedang mencari konsekuensi untuk China atas virus tersebut.

Lebih dari 63.000 orang telah meninggal setelah terinfeksi Covid-19 di AS, menurut data Worldometers pada Jumat pagi WIB (1/5/2020).

Baca juga: Trump: Kami Tak Bahagia dengan China

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May 01, 2020 at 09:10AM

Trump Punya Bukti Covid-19 Berasal dari Lab Wuhan - -
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Update: 218 WNI di Luar Negeri Sembuh dari Covid-19 - CNBC Indonesia

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia mengumumkan data kasus corona (Covid-19) per Jumat (1/5/2020) pukul 08.00 WIB. Hasilnya, terdapat 654 WNI di luar negeri yang terjangkit virus corona, meningkat dari 647 orang dari hari sebelumnya.

Dari 654 WNI di luar negeri yang positif, 218 sembuh, 33 meninggal, dan 403 masih menjalani perawatan.

India dan Arab Saudi saat ini memiliki jumlah WNI yang terjangkit covid-19 terbanyak. Masing-masing 75 orang di India dan 73 orang di Arab Saudi.

Sementara Amerika Serikat (AS) saat ini memiliki jumlah WNI yang meninggal akibat covid-19 terbanyak, yaitu 12 orang dari 49 yang terjangkit.

Berikut data persebaran WNI yang positif Covid-19 per hari ini:

1. Amerika Serikat: 49 WNI (9 sembuh; 26 stabil; 12 meninggal)

2. Arab Saudi: 73 WNI (6 sembuh; 62 stabil; 5 meninggal)

3. Australia: 2 WNI (stabil)

4. Belanda: 7 WNI (2 sembuh; 1 stabil; 4 meninggal)

5. Belgia: 2 WNI (1 sembuh; 1 stabil)

6. Brunei Darussalam: 5 WNI (4 sembuh; 1 stabil)

7. Ekuador: 1 WNI (sembuh)

8. Filipina: 1 WNI (stabil)

9. Finlandia: 1 WNI (sembuh)

10. India: 75 WNI (71 sembuh; 4 stabil)

11. Inggris: 12 WNI (8 sembuh; 2 stabil; 2 meninggal)

12. Irlandia: 1 WNI (sembuh)

13. Italia: 3 WNI (stabil)

14. Jepang: 2 WNI (stabil)

15. Jerman: 10 WNI (5 sembuh, 4 stabil, 1 meninggal)

16. Kamboja: 2 WNI (sembuh)

17. Kanada: 1 WNI (stabil)

18. Korea Selatan: 1 WNI (sembuh)

19. Kuwait: 1 WNI (stabil)

20. Malaysia: 108 WNI (18 sembuh; 88 stabil; 2 meninggal)

21. Oman: 1 WNI (sembuh)

22. Pakistan: 32 WNI (20 sembuh; 12 stabil)

23. Uni Emirat Arab: 11 WNI (stabil)

24. Qatar: 5 WNI (4 sembuh, 1 stabil)

25. Makau: 3 WNI (stabil)

26. Singapura: 50 WNI (28 sembuh; 20 stabil; 2 meninggal)

27. Spanyol: 11 WNI (10 sembuh, 1 stabil)

28. Taiwan: 3 WNI (2 sembuh; 1 stabil)

29. Thailand: 1 WNI (stabil)

30. Turki: 2 WNI (1 sembuh; 1 meninggal)

31. Vatikan: 8 WNI (5 sembuh; 3 stabil)

32. Kapal Pesiar: 170 WNI (17 sembuh; 149 stabil; 4 meninggal).

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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May 01, 2020 at 09:53AM

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Lessons from China: How global business has changed forever - CNN

The world's second largest economy was the first to be hit by the coronavirus outbreak, which forced it to halt travel, shutter stores and theme parks, mandate masks in public and encourage the public to embrace social distancing.
Now, the country is gradually reopening. And as the rest of the world prepares to do the same, companies that were forced to first respond to the outbreak in China are using their early experiences to form a blueprint for other regions.
Corporate responses in China have become a focal point for Wall Street analysts in recent months, as global brands such as Nike (NKE), Starbucks (SBUX) and Disney (DIS) share their experiences in the country on calls with investors and credit their teams there for guiding them through the crisis.
Top US companies say sales are improving in China
Nike, for instance, recently said it was "seeing the other side of the crisis in China" and has learned best practices that could be transferred elsewhere. And when Volkswagen (VLKAF) reopened its giant plant in Wolfsburg, Germany, this week, it cited its experience resuming business at 32 of its 33 factories in China.
The new strategies that companies are introducing won't take life back to normal, according to business leaders and experts. Instead, they say the crisis could permanently upend the way we work, shop and manage our businesses.
"This is the new normal," said Alain Benichou, CEO of IBM China. "There are many wake-up calls that we are working on right now."
Here's a look at how the future of business has changed — and how China is giving us a preview.

The way we work

For Despina Katsikakis, the average workplace is already starting to look very different.
Katsikakis, a London-based partner who focuses on innovation and emerging practices at commercial real estate firm Cushman & Wakefield (CWK), has been advising companies around the world on the return to work.
In China, the firm has already helped move more than 1 million workers back into offices. In Katsikakis' view, the crisis has fast-forwarded the future of work by as much as a decade.
The firm is hoping to capitalize on that shift, starting with a visual guide for its clients called the "Six Feet Office." The concept, a "living laboratory" in Cushman & Wakefield's Amsterdam office, was based on its takeaways from China and other feedback from workers and clients across the globe.
Commercial real estate firm Cushman & Wakefield has built a prototype called the "Six Feet Office," which encourages workers to continue social distancing when they return to the office.
"It is a prototype that basically is there to inspire people to think about solutions, on how to bring into play social distancing, how to prepare the building appropriately, and really to nudge people towards different behaviors," said Katsikakis.
In this new normal, desks are, unsurprisingly, spaced out six feet apart. Health officials around the world have for months advised people to maintain this distance from one another to prevent spreading the virus.
Workers are instructed to walk "one way only" — clockwise — throughout the office, to avoid moving past each other and potentially spreading more germs. Katsikakis said the guidance was based on consultations with health care experts, who shared how medics were navigating in hospitals.
One of the biggest takeaways the firm has gained from China, she said, is that "we need to ensure we have trust that we're going back to a healthy environment."
Over the next few years, she envisions sensors replacing most of the shared surfaces we used to touch. Instead of swiping your entry pass to get indoors, for example, you might face a facial recognition camera or pull up a QR code on your phone.
Companies are also expected to invest more in air filtration systems in the office to reduce contaminants (Volkswagen, for example, has set its air conditioning units to max at Wolfsburg). Some may even install plexiglass sneeze guards at desks, said Katsikakis. To avoid contaminating surfaces, her firm suggests placing a pad of paper over your workstation and replacing it daily.
Since unveiling the "Six Feet Office" prototype, the firm has been flooded with inquiries every day — if not "every hour," the partner joked. "We've been doing daily briefings with some of our largest global clients to help them and their real estate teams look at how they can take these ideas and how we can co-create with them."
Though the concept calls for more space, it doesn't necessarily mean having an office will be more expensive. If there's one thing the situation has shown, it's that remote working is effective — and largely here to stay, said Katsikakis. That means fewer people will be using the same space than before the pandemic.
The world's biggest work-from-home experiment has been triggered by coronavirus
The way we communicate at work has also changed. The boom in demand for enterprise software, such as Microsoft Teams, has been "unprecedented," said Jared Spataro, corporate vice president for Microsoft 365.
He said Thursday that the messaging and video conferencing program now has 75 million daily users — up 70% from last month.
"We have a time machine as countries like China and South Korea have returned to work and school, and Teams usage continues to grow," Spataro told CNN Business.

The way we shop

In some ways, now is the perfect time for brands to pick up new customers and form lasting connections, said Deborah Weinswig, CEO of Coresight Research, an advisory and research firm that focuses on retail and technology.
As millions of people hunker down at home, they're being forced to create new routines and lifestyles, she noted.
"They always say it takes 21 days to change a habit," said Weinswig. "We are changing our shopping habits, and some of those will be quite sticky."
Nike, for instance, has pivoted so well it "could change the curve that [it's] on for many years to come," she said. (Coresight has previously worked on research projects for Nike.)
A pedestrian walking by a Nike store in Shanghai in March.
While the company was promoting online shopping prior to the outbreak, Weinswig said that business "really accelerated" in recent months. The sportswear giant reported strong earnings in March, partly because it was quick to accelerate its online business in China. Digital sales in Greater China rose more than 30% last quarter, while weekly active users for its activity apps shot up 80%, CEO John Donahoe told investors.
The company's flagship app was crucial to its success. The platform launched in China during this period, and encouraged users to work out from home through a virtual "training club," according to Coresight. Weinswig noted that the app was free, which was "critical" for users.
The company also launched more products online, including limited-edition sneakers such as Air Jordans.
Speed was crucial, too. Nike competes in a crowded space, but it was one of the first brands to pivot to customers staying at home, Weinswig noted.
"They were very early to adapt," she said.

The way we manage our supply chains

The pandemic may also force a reinvention of the global supply chain.
Generally, supply chains of consumer goods are "designed to prioritize efficiency over flexibility and resilience," John Knapp, a partner and managing director at Boston Consulting Group, wrote in a recent blog post.
But over the last few months, "shortages of raw materials and critical supplies, together with the specter of increased worker absenteeism, have laid bare the underlying risks," he noted.
That's forcing businesses to rethink how they ship or send out their goods.
"Things we used to take for granted don't exist anymore," said William Ma, managing director of Kerry Logistics, a Hong Kong-based firm that helps companies around the world manage their supply chains.
"Right now, we can see all these disruptions along almost every segment of moving cargo in and out of China. Or getting into Europe — I can't get the truck to move across the border."
Goods being inspected at a foreign trade warehouse in Jiangsu Province, China in March.
Prior to the outbreak, businesses planned for outages of "days," Ma added. Now, they're looking at "weeks."
One firm hoping to save the day is IBM. The tech giant, which offers an AI-based supply chain management program, says it's seen a "significant" jump in demand as more customers seek out predictive modeling against the next crisis. The company declined to share specific numbers.
The pandemic was "a wake-up call" for many companies, said Benichou, the IBM China chief executive.
"What we want to [do] is clearly help on the issues that we've uncovered with the Covid-19. Supply chain optimization, we've just uncovered, so we need to treat that."
Even governments are getting in on the act. Last month, Japan announced a plan to help companies shift their production back home, said Andrew Staples, global editorial director of the Economist Corporate Network. The network is an advisory service of The Economist's Intelligence Unit, providing resources for senior business leaders.
"I think that will continue," he said.
China's factories just had a historically terrible month because of the coronavirus
The outbreak also exposed cracks in the supply chain that most companies didn't even know about, according to IBM researchers.
The company recently found that 90% of Fortune 1000 companies had secondary suppliers in Wuhan, the central Chinese city where the outbreak began, but "many had little or no interaction with them," Jonathan Wright, an IBM executive, said in a company webcast last month.
At the same time, it may be too early for companies to confront this problem, said Ma.
He noted that rebuilding supply chains take significant capital and time — two things most businesses are short on at the moment.
"More important to them is the cash growth. If your things can't sell, you can't pay your suppliers, the suppliers cannot pay their vendors," he said. "[We] just want to get over this ASAP."

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May 01, 2020 at 08:54AM

Lessons from China: How global business has changed forever - CNN
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Separating fact from fiction as Trump builds a rationale to pardon Michael Flynn - CNN

Many of these claims have already been cast aside by independent fact-checkers, rebutted by Justice Department lawyers and dismissed out of hand by a federal judge. But seizing on a batch of documents unsealed Wednesday, Trump and his allies are claiming there are new and explosive reasons to doubt Flynn's prosecution, raising the chances that a pardon is in the works.
The files -- FBI emails and memos -- shed new light on how FBI officials carefully prepared to interview Flynn in January 2017. Flynn supporters point to one note where an FBI official asks, "What's our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?" Other notes show how the FBI planned to refresh Flynn's memory if he lied to them.
Despite Trump's fanfare, the new information is not a clear-cut breakthrough for Flynn, who is trying to withdraw his 2017 guilty plea, when he admitted lying to the FBI about his contacts with a Russian official. A federal judge still needs to rule on whether to allow Flynn to withdraw his plea -- a decision likely weeks or months away, which could become moot if Flynn is pardoned.
The latest round of table-banging from Trump and allied media outlets ignores basic facts about Flynn's case. Not only is Trump trying to rewrite history on Flynn, he also continues to use his platform (effectively the largest megaphone in the world) to delegitimize the damning findings about his own behavior by former special counsel Robert Mueller.
Here are the most important facts on Flynn's case, based on court filings, testimony from some of the key players, the 448-page Mueller report and analysis from respected legal experts.

Flynn's crime and cover-up regarding Russia

Flynn lied to the FBI about his Russian contacts. He became Trump's first national security adviser in January 2017 and was interviewed shortly thereafter by FBI agents about his calls with the Russian ambassador. According to court filings, Flynn told at least four lies during the interview, about his conversations with the Russian about sanctions and a United Nations vote.
Flynn said under oath that he wasn't set-up. Flynn got a heads-up that FBI agents wanted to interview him about Russia. Prosecutors said the agents gave him "multiple opportunities" to correct his lies. They used questioning tactics that are common in criminal probes. Flynn testified in 2018 that he knew it was a crime when he lied to the FBI agents, that he didn't think his rights were violated and that he didn't want to challenge the circumstances of his interview.
Flynn lied to the Trump White House about Russia. The FBI wanted to interview Flynn after seeing public denials from senior White House officials that Flynn discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador. According to the Mueller report, Flynn lied privately to Vice President Mike Pence, then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and then-spokesman Sean Spicer, who publicly repeated those denials in a series of press interviews before Trump took office.
Flynn told two judges under oath that he was guilty. When Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017, and during his initial sentencing hearing in 2018, Flynn said under oath that he was guilty of lying to the FBI. He made this sworn statement in front of two separate judges who handled different parts of his criminal case. He pleaded guilty to one count of making a false statement to the FBI.

Additional wrongdoing beyond Russia

Flynn was a pro-Turkey lobbyist while advising Trump. Flynn's plea revealed he was an unregistered lobbyist for Turkish interests while advising candidate Trump on foreign policy in 2016. Flynn's company was paid $500,000 by a Dutch company to push pro-Turkey interests in the US, and he publicly flip-flopped after initially backing the June 2016 coup attempt in Ankara.
Flynn lied to the Justice Department about his Turkey lobbying. Flynn belatedly registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for Turkey after the contract ended. But he later admitted making three false statements in that paperwork. (Flynn acknowledged these additional crimes in his guilty plea, but he has since disavowed this admission and is now trying to withdraw the plea.)
Flynn later changed his story on Turkey. Flynn was also slated to testify against his former business partner, Bijan Kian, who was charged with illegal lobbying for Turkey. According to court filings, Flynn told a grand jury that their lobbying "was always on behalf" of the Turkish government. But Flynn changed his story before the trial, and prosecutors didn't call him as a witness. The jury convicted Kian, but the judge threw out their verdict due to lack of evidence.

'Substantial' cooperation with Mueller

Flynn got a strong plea deal, avoiding other charges. Despite seven documented lies to investigators, Flynn reached an agreement with Mueller in December 2017 and pleaded guilty to one count of lying. He avoided any lobbying-related charges, even though his business partner was later indicted. Flynn and his wife said in sworn affidavits that the deal protected their son, who was involved in the company. And according to an FBI note from 2017 released this week, investigators mulled whether Flynn violated the Logan Act with his Russian backchanneling.
Flynn provided Mueller with evidence against Trump. After inking that cooperation deal, Flynn gave Mueller evidence about obstruction of justice by Trump, including a voicemail from Trump lawyer John Dowd shortly before Flynn flipped. Flynn also told investigators about how the Trump campaign discussed reaching out to WikiLeaks and find Hillary Clinton's emails.

Embracing conspiracy theories

Flynn's lawyers have peddled in conspiracy theories. Flynn switched up his legal team last year. He fired his white-collar attorneys and hired a team with more conservative ties, led by Sidney Powell, a right-wing firebrand who has a history of embracing conspiracy theories about the Justice Department. She has included these conspiracies in her court filings in Flynn's case.
A judge ruled there was no Justice Department plot against Flynn. A federal judge soundly rejected many of the allegations put forward by Powell, who argued that corrupt FBI officials conspired to entrap Flynn because they hated Trump. The judge previously said "the record proves" that Flynn wasn't ambushed, and rejected his attempts to obtain more documents. Flynn's lawyers are using the newly unsealed documents as part of their ongoing attempt to withdraw the plea.
Justice Department lawyers defended the Flynn investigation in court. Flynn pressed for more documents last year to prove his misconduct allegations against the FBI. But Justice Department lawyers rebutted his claims in court and called it "a fishing expedition in hopes of advancing conspiracy theories." (Later, Attorney General William Barr launched his own review of the files Flynn was seeking, and it was this review that surfaced the new documents that were unsealed this week.)

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May 01, 2020 at 07:54AM

Separating fact from fiction as Trump builds a rationale to pardon Michael Flynn - CNN
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Trump Klaim Punya Bukti Corona Berasal dari Lab Wuhan - detikInet

Washington -

Dari mana asal muasal virus Corona masih jadi perdebatan dan bikin penasaran. Presiden Amerika Serikat, Donald Trump, baru saja mengutarakan klaim bahwa ia punya bukti COVID-19 berasal dari laboratorium virus di Wuhan.

Awalnya, reporter Fox News, John Roberts, menanyakan pada Trump apakah sang presiden telah melihat ada bukti yang memberi keyakinan tinggi bahwa virus Corona berawal di Wuhan Institute of Virology.

"Ya, saya punya," kata Trump, tapi dia mengaku tidak bisa menunjukkan buktinya. "Saya tidak bisa memberitahu Anda soal itu. Saya tidak diizinkan untuk memberitahukannya," ucap sang presiden, dikutip detikINET dari CNBC.

Ia menambahkan pemerintahannya sedang intensif memastikan asal virus Corona. "Kita akan melihat darimana ia berasal," katanya, menambahkan ada banyak teori soal itu.

"Kami punya orang yang mengamatinya sangat-sangat dekat. Orang ilmiah, orang intelijen dan lainnya, dan kami akan memadukannya bersama dan saya pikir kita akhirnya akan punya jawaban yang sangat bagus," cetus Trump.

Sejauh ini, konsensus ilmuwan cenderung meyakini corona dari hewan, kemungkinan kelelawar walau tak dapat dipungkiri virus bisa dibuat terutama untuk riset, misalnya menginvestigasi mutasi di masa depan. Dan seberapa tinggi tingkat keamanan, ada kemungkinan kebocoran dari laboratorium. Namun seperti telah disebutkan, belum ada bukti apapun.

Pihak China pun sebelumnya coba menepis spekulasi. Menurut mereka, tidak ada bukti yang mendukung COVID-19 dibuat di laboratorium Wuhan ataupun kemungkinan kedua, bocor dari sana.

"China percaya bahwa asal dari virus tersebut adalah masalah ilmiah yang harus ditangani dengan serius," kata juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri China, Zhao Lijian belum lama ini.

"WHO mengatakan tidak ada bukti yang membuktikan bahwa itu (COVID-19) dibuat di lab. Dan banyak pakar medis terkemuka juga mengatakan jika klaim virus tersebut bocor dari lab tidak punya dasar ilmiah," tambahnya.

Simak Video "Trump: AS Darurat Nasional Virus Corona!"
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May 01, 2020 at 09:00AM

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AS-China Panas! Trump Punya Bukti COVID-19 dari Lab Wuhan? - CNBC Indonesia

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Hubungan AS-China sepertinya bakal makin panas ke depan. Presiden AS Donald Trump mengklaim dirinya memiliki bukti yang menghubungkan virus corona (COVID-19) dengan sebuah laboratorium di kota Wuhan, China.

Wuhan sendiri adalah kota di mana corona jenis baru ini muncul di Desember 2019. COVID-19 disebut berasal dari sebuah pasar ikan dan hewan langka di ibu kota Provinsi Hubei itu.

Dalam konferensi pers yang dilakukan Kamis (30/4/2020), Trump mengatakan jika ia melihat sesuatu yang membuatnya sangat percaya bahwa Institut Virologi Wuhan adalah asal wabah. "Ya, ya saya lihat," tegasnya dikutip dari AFP.

Namun Trump enggan menjawab lebih rinci. "Saya tidak bisa memberi tahu Anda tentang ini. Saya tidak diizinkan memberi tahu kepada Anda (wartawan) soal ini," katanya lagi.
Wuhan Instititure of VirologyFoto: Wuhan Instititure of Virology
Wuhan Instititure of Virology
Sebelumya, AS meminta China membuka akses untuk mengetahui asal usul kasus. Bahkan Trump sempat mengatakan akan menuntut ganti rugi atas penyebaran pandemi, meski tak menyebut nilai pastinya.

Australia juga sebelumnya menyuarakan yang sama dengan AS. Ini membuat hubungan negeri itu dan China menegang beberapa hari terakhir.

Tirai Bambu bahkan mengancam mungkin akan ada "boikot" pada produk Australia. Saat ini, China menjadi mitra dagang kesembilan Australia, untuk sejumlah komoditas seperti wol dan mineral.

China berulang kali membantah tudingan virus dari laboratorium Wuhan. Negeri Xi Jinping meminta global untuk fokus pada penanganan virus secara bersama-sama.

Dari data Worldometers, ada 3,3 juta orang terinfeksi corona. Di mana angka kematian mencapai 233 ribu dan angka kesembuhan 1,3 juta kasus.

Terdapat 212 negara dan teritori yang terinfeksi corona. AS menjadi negara dengan kasus terbanyak yakni 1,093 juta orang, di mana ada 63 ribu kasus kematian dan 151 ribu orang sembuh.

China sendiri mencatat penurunan kasus signifikan dua bulan ini. Secara total China mencatat ada 82 ribu kasus COVID-19, dengan 4.633 kematian dan 77 ribu orang sembuh.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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May 01, 2020 at 06:58AM

AS-China Panas! Trump Punya Bukti COVID-19 dari Lab Wuhan? - CNBC Indonesia
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